Trailing and Variations
Trailing * Tapered Trailing
Trailing. Select a quantity of base threads, each 6 or more inches (15.2 cm) longer than the length of the guideline. Secure the base threads using small straight stitches that come up and down through the fabric tight to the guideline. Begin somewhere near the center of the line and work towards one end, keeping the small straight stitches tight together so that the base threads are completely covered. As you near the end of the guideline thread the ends of base threads on a needle and bring them to the back of the fabric at A. Depending on the thickness of these threads and the quantity, you may need to thread them one at a time. Continue to cover the base threads with small straight stitches to the end of the guideline. Similarly complete the trailing towards the other end of the guideline.
Tapered trailing. Begin to cover the base threads as you would with regular trailing. Thread the end of one base thread on a needle and bring it to the back of the fabric at A, the point where tapering will begin. Continue to cover the remaining base thread (or threads) with small straight stitches. Near the end of the guideline, thread the end of the remaining base thread on a needle and bring it to the back of the fabric at B. Similarly complete the trailing towards the other end of the guideline.