Free Tutorials

Stitch-Along Free Embroidery Sampler with Video...
Find the updated (October 2017) beginner's pattern here! Did someone say free?!? Click HERE to "purchase" the downloadable pattern for $0. Got it? Now print it out! What else will...
Stitch-Along Free Embroidery Sampler with Video...
Find the updated (October 2017) beginner's pattern here! Did someone say free?!? Click HERE to "purchase" the downloadable pattern for $0. Got it? Now print it out! What else will...

How to Stretch Your Embroidery Art on a Frame
Embroidery art can look great framed in an embroidery hoop but if you want to go for a more sophisticated look you can frame your work in a rectangular or...
How to Stretch Your Embroidery Art on a Frame
Embroidery art can look great framed in an embroidery hoop but if you want to go for a more sophisticated look you can frame your work in a rectangular or...